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This note sets out the financial support available to students in England starting undergraduate and graduate degrees in medicine in 2014/15 and 2015/16. The table below provides a summary of the support available, which varies depending on the study route taken. The arrangements from 2016/17 onwards have not yet been announced.

Section two of the note highlights some issues related to financial support for medical students.

Students taking the 5/6 year undergraduate medical degree 



Years 1-4

Student Finance England funding on the same basis as for all other undergraduate students

No tuition fee loans or grants available.

Full maintenance loan from Student Finance England

Year 5 onwards

Tuition fees paid by NHS

Means tested NHS Bursary of up to £3,159 (in London)

Non-means tested NHS grant of £1,000

Reduced rate non-income assessed maintenance loan from Student Finance England

Tuition fees paid by NHS

Means tested NHS Bursary of up to £3,159 (in London)

Non-means tested NHS grant of £1,000

Reduced rate non-income assessed maintenance loan from Student Finance England

Graduate students taking the accelerated graduate medicine course

 Year 1

Student pays first £3,465 of tuition fees and may take out fee loan from Student Finance England for the remainder, up to 9,000.

Full maintenance loan from Student Finance England

Year 2 onwards

First £3,465 of fees paid by NHS. Student may take out fee loan from Student Finance England for the remainder.

Means tested NHS Bursary of up to £3,159 (in London)

Non-means tested NHS grant of £1,000

Reduced rate non-income assessed maintenance loan from Student Finance England

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