UK Labour Market Statistics
This paper provides the latest statistics and analysis of employment, unemployment, economic inactivity and earnings in the UK.
This note looks at some of the suggested reasons why productivity in the UK has not recovered to its previous levels – the so called ‘productivity puzzle’
The productivity puzzle (124 KB , PDF)
When a country enters recession and output contracts we expect to see productivity fall, but that it will rise as the economy recovers.
At the onset of the economic crisis in 2008, productivity in the UK fell. However, it has remained weak and relatively unchanged since then.
This note looks at some of the suggested reasons why productivity in the UK has not recovered to its previous levels – the so called ‘productivity puzzle’
The productivity puzzle (124 KB , PDF)
This paper provides the latest statistics and analysis of employment, unemployment, economic inactivity and earnings in the UK.
Average Earnings: Regularly updated data on average weekly earnings, including breakdowns by public and private sectors.
There will be a debate in Westminster Hall on Tuesday 22nd October on support for pubs and the hospitality sector