Asylum statistics
This briefing summarises statistics on asylum seekers in the UK and refugees who arrive through resettlement programmes.
What action has the EU taken to enforce freedom of movement throughout the EU?
EU Enforcement of Free Movement of People Rules (254 KB , PDF)
The principle of free movement is fundamental to the EU’s single market and EU citizenship. It is enshrined in Articles 21 and 45 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and in EU directives and regulations.
The European Commission monitors Member States’ implementation of free movement rules and believes the economic crisis has prompted some Member States to take unilateral, discriminatory action in breach of them.
This Note outlines Commission and Court of Justice action in the area of the free movement of people with specific reference to UK cases.
EU Enforcement of Free Movement of People Rules (254 KB , PDF)
This briefing summarises statistics on asylum seekers in the UK and refugees who arrive through resettlement programmes.
Redress schemes offering immigration/citizenship documents and financial compensation to victims of the Windrush scandal have been running for several years.
Since early 2022, Ukrainians have been able to take up temporary residence in the UK under Homes for Ukraine and other bespoke visa programmes.