Sterling exchange rates: Economic indicators
Sterling often changes in value relative to other currencies. Find the latest data on exchange rates overall and against the dollar and euro.

Ukraine is due to sign its agreement with the EU on 27 June; Russia's reaction is awaited
Russia and Ukraine - update June 2014 (586 KB , PDF)
• Russia has contained the unrest seen in 2011 by limited reforms and by an appeal to conservative Russian nationalism in both domestic and international policy
• Corruption remains a severe problem and the Russian economy is relatively weak
• There have been moves to forge closer relationships with China as ties with the West are strained and further sanctions over Ukraine are threatened
• Observers are wary of new conflict as Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia prepare to sign their Association Agreements with the EU on 27 June
Russia and Ukraine - update June 2014 (586 KB , PDF)
Sterling often changes in value relative to other currencies. Find the latest data on exchange rates overall and against the dollar and euro.
Monetary policy affects the amount of money in the economy and the costs of borrowing. Find the latest data on interest rates in the UK, US and Eurozone.
Inflation measures the change in prices over time. Find the latest data on inflation in the UK, the Eurozone, and selected EU countries.