Debate on community benefits from renewable energy projects
A Westminster Hall debate on community benefits from renewable energy projects is scheduled for 15 October. The debate will be opened by Angus McDonald MP.
The Infrastrucutre Bill 2014-15 provides a number of new powers and regualtions that relate to energy and climate change. The note provides information on some of these for the Commons Report stage debate.
Infrastructure Bill: Energy and Climate Change measures (387 KB , PDF)
The following clauses deal with energy or climate change (numbered following Commons committee stage).
• Carbon abatement measures for new housing (clause 33)
• The community right to buy a stake in their local renewable electricity scheme (clauses 34-35)
• The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (clause 36)
• A strategy to Maximise the Recovery of UK petroleum (clauses 37-38)
• Access to petroleum (for example for fracking) and geothermal energy in deep-level land (clauses 39-44)
• Renewable heat incentives (clause. 45)
• Reimbursement in making electrical connections (clause 46)
This note provides information on the most contentious of these clauses for the Commons Debate on Report: the carbon abatement measures for new housing; the community right to buy a stake in their local renewable electricity scheme; the strategy to Maximise the Recovery of UK petroleum and; access to petroleum and geothermal energy in deep-level land. It also covers the new clause on reimbursement in making electrical connections
Other clauses are not covered by this paper but further information is available in the Library Research Paper, Infrastructure Bill (RP 14/65).
Infrastructure Bill: Energy and Climate Change measures (387 KB , PDF)
A Westminster Hall debate on community benefits from renewable energy projects is scheduled for 15 October. The debate will be opened by Angus McDonald MP.
This Library briefing sets out financial and practical help for constituents with domestic energy bills.
The UK is committed to reaching net zero by 2050. This briefing provides an overview of the background context for net zero, the plans in place to reach this goal, and current progress.