Tackling violence against women and girls
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on tackling violence against women and girls on 27 November 2024. The debate will be opened by Apsana Begum MP.
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Riot (Damages) Bill (38 KB , PDF)
This Commons Library briefing paper has been archived as it no longer offers up-to-date information. However, we have published another paper which may be of interest.
Riot (Compensation) Bill briefing paper replaces and updates the former paper.
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Riot (Damages) Bill (38 KB , PDF)
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on tackling violence against women and girls on 27 November 2024. The debate will be opened by Apsana Begum MP.
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on online safety for children and young people on 26 November 2024. The debate will be opened by Lola McEvoy MP.
An overview of the UK's financial services sector and key statistics including economic output, jobs, trade and tax.