Research Briefing
Merging the Inland Revenue with HM Customs & Excise – earlier debates
Merging the Inland Revenue with HM Customs & Excise - earlier debates. By Antony Seely. SN/BT/106.
The entire archive of Commons Library research dating back to 1993.
Research Briefing
Merging the Inland Revenue with HM Customs & Excise - earlier debates. By Antony Seely. SN/BT/106.
Research Briefing
This Paper looks at Part II of the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe (the “European Constitution”), which was agreed at the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) on 18 June 2004 and published in its final, edited form on 13 October 2004.
Research Briefing
Freedom of Information implementation. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/84.
Research Briefing
Unemployment by Constituency October 2004. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/83.
Research Briefing
2004 US Presidential and Congressional election results. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/81.
Research Briefing
The collective responsibility of ministers - an outline of the issues. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/82.
Research Briefing
The Hunting Bill 2003/4 and the Parliament Act. By Elena Ares and Richard Kelly. SN/SC/3181.
Research Briefing
Economic indicators. (Includes article on EU/US Airbus/Boeing WTO dispute). House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/80.
Research Briefing
Gambling Bill (Bill 163 of 2003/04). House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/79.
Research Briefing
School Transport Bill. (Bill 162 of 2003/04). House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/78.
Research Briefing
The treaty establishing a constitution for Europe: part IV and protocols. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/77.
Research Briefing
Jointly owned shares in close companies. By Antony Seely. SN/BT/3002.
Research Briefing
Unemployment by Constituency September 2004. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/76.
Research Briefing
This note examines the history of disqualification provisions applicable to Members of the House of Commons.
Total results (page 644 of 724)