Research Briefing
Economic Indicators, November 2004
Economic indicators. (Includes article on EU/US Airbus/Boeing WTO dispute). House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/80.
The entire archive of Commons Library research dating back to 1993.
Research Briefing
Economic indicators. (Includes article on EU/US Airbus/Boeing WTO dispute). House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/80.
Research Briefing
Gambling Bill (Bill 163 of 2003/04). House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/79.
Research Briefing
School Transport Bill. (Bill 162 of 2003/04). House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/78.
Research Briefing
The treaty establishing a constitution for Europe: part IV and protocols. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/77.
Research Briefing
Jointly owned shares in close companies. By Antony Seely. SN/BT/3002.
Research Briefing
Unemployment by Constituency September 2004. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/76.
Research Briefing
This note examines the history of disqualification provisions applicable to Members of the House of Commons.
Research Briefing
This Paper looks at Part III of the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe (the European Constitution), which was agreed at the Intergovernmental Conference on 18 June 2004 and published in edited form on 6 August 2004.
Research Briefing
The Mental Capacity Bill became the Mental Capacity Act 2005, which came into force during 2007. As amended, it provides a legal framework and statutory code of practice for decision-making on behalf of those who lack capacity to make decisions for themselves, creates a statutory basis for advance directives to refuse treatment (“living wills”), and provides safeguards relating to deprivation of liberty. The Act also established a new Court of Protection and the Office of the Public Guardian.
Research Briefing
The Defence White Paper. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/71.
Research Briefing
The Defence White Paper: future capabilities. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/72.
Research Briefing
Unemployment by Constituency August 2004. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/69.
Research Briefing
Income, wealth and inequality. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/70.
Research Briefing
Children Bill (HL) (Bill 144 of 2003/04). House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/68.
Research Briefing
The Civil Partnership Bill (HL) (Bill 132 of 2003/04): the detail and legal implications. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/65.
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