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  • Dods People

    In-depth biographical profiles on political representatives in the UK, including institutions, elections and constituencies.

  • Europa World Plus

    Economic, political and geographic background information and statistical data by country and impartial analysis of relevant issues at regional, sub-regional and country level.

  • Grantfinder

    A database of UK and EU funding sources including grants, loans and advisory schemes.

  • GreenFILE

    Find information about human impact on the environment. Topics include climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy and recycling.

  • Oxford Reference

    Access a wide range of language and subject dictionaries, encyclopedias and other subject-based reference works from Oxford University Press.

  • Policy Commons

    A database containing policy-related grey literature from over 31,000 policy organisations, including government departments and think tanks.

  • Who's Who and Who Was Who

    Access the electronic version of the current edition of Who's Who and a cumulated Who Was Who, going back to 1897.

Related pages

  • Biographical databases

    Find biographical databases, including BBC Monitoring, Dods People, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and more.

    Biographical databases
  • Resources

    Find books, journals, online databases, parliamentary materials and more. These resources are only available to users with a parliamentary login.
