Resources are only available to users with a parliamentary login. Experiencing access issues? Visit our access page.

Factiva has replaced Nexis News

The resource has changed, but we’ll still offer the same searchable news and alerts service, with access to broadly the same national, regional and international publications.

Browse subscriptions

  • BBC Monitoring

    Access current and archived news going back to 1996, and a reference database on governments, political leaders, social and political organisations, security and law enforcement of all countries.

  • Business Green

    The latest news and changes affecting the green economy, including analysis of how UK, EU and global policy developments impact on business.

  • Economist

    Weekly journal that focuses on politics, economics, business finance, science and technology.

  • Financial Times (

    Access to the Financial Times is only available to Members of Parliament and those staff who need to meet the information needs of Members.

  • Libby magazines

    Access digital magazines in browsable, full colour, page-by-page displays. Titles include the New Scientist, The Week, and Country Life.

  • Factiva

    Searchable news and alerts service covering UK national and regional newspapers, foreign newspapers, and UK and international journal titles.

  • PressReader

    Over 7,000 titles from UK newspapers such as The Telegraph, The Guardian, The Herald and The Western Mail, as well as regional and international titles.

  • Telegraph

    This service is for use by Members, and to support staff meeting the information needs of Members only.

  • Times and Sunday Times

    Access to the Times and Sunday Times is only available to Members of Parliament and those staff who need to meet the information needs of Members.

  • Times Digital Archive

    Full-text access to every issue of The Times newspaper of London from 1785 to 2019.

  • Transitions online

    Find independent coverage of political, economic, social and cultural developments in the post-communist countries of Europe and Central Asia.

Related pages

  • International affairs databases

    Find databases relating to international affairs, including Europa World Plus, HeinOnline, Jane's Defence and Security News and more.

    International affairs databases
  • Biographical databases

    Find biographical databases, including BBC Monitoring, Dods People, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and more.

    Biographical databases
  • Resources

    Find books, journals, online databases, parliamentary materials and more. These resources are only available to users with a parliamentary login.
