Constituency data: Universal Credit claimants
Explore constituency-level data on people claiming Universal Credit in Great Britain using our interactive dashboard.
This interactive dashboard shows data on economic growth, inflation, trade, employment, government borrowing and debt across the UK.
The dashboard allows you to investigate how the UK economy has performed over the past 70 years, including during the coronavirus pandemic. It features the latest data and is updated every time the Office for National Statistics publishes new data.
For each topic, links are provided to relevant Library briefings and Office for National Statistics (ONS) publications for further information. Data can be downloaded as spreadsheets (csv files).
Our monthly economic update Insights also summarise how the economy is performing.
If you would like to access this information in an alternative format please email and we will review your request.
Explore constituency-level data on people claiming Universal Credit in Great Britain using our interactive dashboard.
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