Research Briefing
Statutory Sick Pay and Sickness Absence
This note gives an overview of the Statutory Sick Pay (SPP) scheme and sets out some of the issues that may arise when an employee is absent from work due to illness.
Research Briefing
This note gives an overview of the Statutory Sick Pay (SPP) scheme and sets out some of the issues that may arise when an employee is absent from work due to illness.
Research Briefing
This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major OECD countries for selected indicators. [Article: The UK manufacturing sector]
Research Briefing
This note discusses this special tax relief for seafarers, before looking at recent concerns about a change in HM Revenue & Customs' approach to claims for this relief from those working in the oil & gas sector.
Research Briefing
This note outlines the proscriptions on bull bars set out in European legislation.
Research Briefing
This note outlines the European and domestic drivers' hours rules and how they are enforced. It does not cover working time rules.
Research Briefing
This paper shows the number of people claiming Jobseeker's Allowance recorded as resident in each constituency in the United Kingdom in July 2009, together with comparisons with the levels in July 2008 and July 1997. This paper also presents residence-based unemployment rates for all 646 constituencies in the United Kingdom.
Research Briefing
Income inequality has generally increased over the past two decades, stablising on one measure, but increasing further on another. This note updates Library Research Paper (RP04/70), Incomes, Wealth & Inequality. It includes the 2007/08 UK data and European/OECD comparisons.
Research Briefing
This report covers the Committee Stage of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Bill (HL) 2008-09. The Bill implements a number of community empowerment measuresoutlined in the white paper - Communities in control: real people, real power (Cm 7427). It also implements changes in relation to regional and sub-regional economic development and planning. See also Research Papers 09/45 and 09/46.
Research Briefing
This note sets out the events surrounding the collapse of several Icelandic banks with branches in the UK. It looks at compensation arrangements and the impact of default on other groups.
Research Briefing
This paper shows the number of people claiming Jobseeker's Allowance recorded as resident in each constituency in the United Kingdom in June 2009, together with comparisons with the levels in June 2008 and June 1997. This paper also presents residence-based unemployment rates for all 646 constituencies in the United Kingdom.
Research Briefing
This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major OECD countries for selected indicators. [Article: The Alignment Project: clearer government finances]
Research Briefing
The Government set targets to reduce child poverty by a quarter between 1998/99 and 2004/05, as a step towards halving it by 2010/11 and a goal of 'eradicating' it by 2020. A Bill to enhsrine the 2020 target has been published. A Library research paper on the bil is aviailable at The 2004/05 target was missed (see SN/EP/4759 for details). A new composite measure of three indicators was then adopted, one of which constitutes the national target of halving child poverty by 2010/11.
Research Briefing
Looks at a Private Member's Bill which would enable limits to be placed on the occupational pension entitlement of the director of a bank which has been taken wholly or partly into public ownership.
Research Briefing
This briefing on the Child Poverty Bill has been prepared for the Second Reading debate on the Bill in the House of Commons.
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