Research Briefing
Household debt: Economic indicators
Debt levels affect how much households spend. Find the latest data on UK household debt, mortgage rates and insolvencies.
Research Briefing
Debt levels affect how much households spend. Find the latest data on UK household debt, mortgage rates and insolvencies.
Research Briefing
Retail is a large component of the UK’s services industry. Find the latest data on sales of food and non-food goods as well as online sales.
Research Briefing
GDP measures the size of the economy. Find the latest GDP growth data for the UK and comparisons with other G7 economies.
Research Briefing
Unemployment data tells us about the strength of the labour market. Find the latest data on unemployment in several major world economies.
Research Briefing
This briefing answers some FAQs related to the government's budget deficit.
Research Briefing
The UK exports and imports billions of pounds worth of goods and services. Find the latest data on UK trade and the current account.
Research Briefing
GDP measures the size of the economy. Find the latest data on the industries and elements that make up the UK’s GDP.
Research Briefing
Inflation measures the change in prices over time. Find the latest data on changes in UK consumer prices, measured by CPI and RPI.
Research Briefing
This briefing provides statistics and forecasts for household debt, guidance on how to interpret debt statistics and analysis on how debt effects the economy.
Research Briefing
Sterling often changes in value relative to other currencies. Find the latest data on exchange rates overall and against the dollar and euro.
Research Briefing
A summary of the latest economic indicators for the regions and nations of the UK.
Research Briefing
This briefing covers how the high period of inflation in the UK from 2021 to 2024 continues to affect household incomes, spending, poverty, savings and debt.
Research Briefing
This note defines FDI and looks at recent trends in UK and world FDI
Research Briefing
An overview of the UK's financial services sector and key statistics including economic output, jobs, trade and tax.
Research Briefing
The level of output the economy produces for a given input is called productivity. Find the latest data on UK and international productivity.
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