This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major countries. [Article: 'The budget deficit and the economic cycle']
The Bill seeks to limit the amount that can be recovered by any commercial creditor of those countries designated as having unsustainable external debts. The legislation would restrict the activities of so-called 'vulture funds', which buy developing countries' sovereign debt at discounted prices, then seek to recover its value in full through the courts. It would limit successful claims to an internationally agreed level and apply equally to all commercial creditors. It would cover the 40 countries in the IMF/World Bank Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative. Debts incurred after the Bill's entry into force would be excluded.
This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major countries. [Article: 'Average Earnings and Pay Prospects in 2010']
This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major countries. [Article:' Wealth in Great Britain: Wealth and Assets Survey']
The Bill imposes a number of obligations on the Treasury to reduce government borrowing and debt. It allows the Treasury to impose further duties by order and requires that such an order be made for the period after 2015/16. The Bill requires the Treasury to report on progress towards, and compliance with, these obligations in future Budgets and Pre-Budget Reports.
This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major countries. [Article: Making sense of monthly public sector borrowing statistics]
Cyprus has been divided between the Greek community in the south and the Turkish community in the north since 1974. 2008 brought a renew sense of optimism to those eager for a reunification settlement, but this has now receded somewhat, with suggestions that a 'window of opportunity' may close in the spring of 2010. The economic situation - slowing in the south and already poor in the north - could be further damaged if there is no settlement deal.
This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major OECD countries for selected indicators. [Article: Comparing recessions]
Projections of long term care expenditure. By Rachael Harker. SN/SG/3126. This Note summarises the latest projections of expenditure on long-term care services for older people in England to 2041 derived from the University of Kent's Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) model.
This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major OECD countries for selected indicators. [Article: Labour market composition: long term trends]
This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major OECD countries for selected indicators. [Article: The UK manufacturing sector]
This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major OECD countries for selected indicators. [Article: The Alignment Project: clearer government finances]