Research Briefing
The Road Haulage Industry : costs and taxes
The Road Haulage Industry : costs and taxes. House of Commons Library Research Paper 08/68
Research Briefing
The Road Haulage Industry : costs and taxes. House of Commons Library Research Paper 08/68
Research Briefing
This paper examines reports and evidence on the effects which immigration is having on communities and public services throughout the UK.
Research Briefing
Unemployment by constituency, June 2008. House of Commons Library Research Paper 08/64. Summarises the monthly count of Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) claimants for UK parliamentary constituencies.
Research Briefing
In 2008/09, fuel duties are projected to raise £25.7 billion. In June 2008, duty and VAT made up 57.7% of the price of a litre of unleaded petrol.
Research Briefing
This note summarises the background to and issues surrounding Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs), which have received a great deal of political and media attention through the creation of China's fund and the large investments made by SWFs in various Western financial institutions during the global 'credit crunch'.
Research Briefing
This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major OECD countries for selected indicators. [Article: Sovereign wealth funds.] The series also includes articles on topical issues. This month’s article: Sovereign wealth funds
Research Briefing
The Government set itself a target to reduce child poverty by a quarter between 1998/99 and 2004/05. This was an initial step towards halving it by 2010/11 and an ultimate goal of 'eradicating' it by 2020. This archived note outlines how the 2004/05 target was missed, alongside commentary around the target at the time these data were released in March 2006. A new three-part measure of child poverty is being used to judge the 2010/11 target and progress towards it (see SN/EP/3314 for details). Full background and methodology behind the statistics presented here is given in the Poverty: Measures and Targets Library Research Paper (RP04/23).
Research Briefing
[Articles: UK tourism trends - where will the UK holiday this year?; The recent decline in sterling]
Research Briefing
This note gives some background to press reports to the effect that none of the new coins in a newly redesigned set of coins will show Britannia on the reverse side.
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