Research Briefing
Direct taxes: rates and allowances 2006-07
Direct taxes: rates and allowances 2006-07. House of Commons Library Research Paper 06/22.
Research Briefing
Direct taxes: rates and allowances 2006-07. House of Commons Library Research Paper 06/22.
Research Briefing
The Burden of Taxation 2005. House of Commons Library Research Paper 05/68.
Research Briefing
Gift Aid and admission charges. By Antony Seely. SN/BT/2954.
Research Briefing
Stamp Duty (Lower Rate for Energy Efficient Measures) Bill 2004-05. By Antony Seely and Donna Gore. SN/BT/3449.
Research Briefing
Direct taxes: rates and allowances 2005-06. House of Commons Library Research Paper 05/27.
Research Briefing
VAT on domestic care supplied by private businesses. By Antony Seely. SN/BT/1027.
Research Briefing
Tax Law Rewrite: the Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Bill 2004-05. By Antony Seely. SN/BT/3309.
Research Briefing
Tax stamp on spirits: the level of excise duty fraud. By Antony Seely. SN/BT/3337.
Research Briefing
Commissioners for Revenue and Customs Bill (Bill 3 of 2004/05). House of Commons Libary Research Paper 04/90.
Research Briefing
HM Customs & Excise prosecutions. By Antony Seely. SN/BT/2944.
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