Constituency data: Home ownership and renting
Find out how many households are homeowners, private renters, and social renters in your constituency, based on census data
Find out how many households are homeowners, private renters, and social renters in your constituency, based on census data
Find out how many people identify with different sexual orientations and gender identities in your constituency.
This briefing provides statistics on people identifying with Gypsy, Roma or Traveller ethnic groups
Data dashboards
Find out about the socio-economic classification of people in your constituency, based on their employment
Data dashboards
Find 2021 census data on which country people were born in by constituency
Data dashboards
Find out the highest qualification people in your constituency have achieved, based on 2021 census data
Data dashboards
Find out how many people identify with different ethnic groups in your constituency, based on census data.
Data dashboards
Find out how many UK armed forces veterans live in constituencies in Great Britain, based on census data.
Data dashboards
Find out how many people identify with different faiths in your constituency, based on the latest census data
Data dashboards
Find out how many people were employed, unemployed and economically inactive in your constituency at the time of the 2021 census.
Data dashboards
Find 2021 census data on the type of central heating used in households by constituency
Data dashboards
Find 2021 census data on households and their composition by constituency
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate on Saint Patrick's Day and the contribution of the Irish diaspora to the UK will take place on 14 March 2024 at 1.30pm. The debate was scheduled by the Backbench Business Committee and will be led by Rebecca Long-Bailey MP and Dame Karen Bradley MP.
Data dashboards
Explore 2021 census data and 2019 General Election results for constituencies using our data tool
Research Briefing
This briefing brings together disability data from a range of sources, providing information on the size and characteristics of the UK's disabled population, and highlighting disparities between the life experiences of disabled and non-disabled people.
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