Research Briefing
Queen’s Speech 2013
This Standard Note gathers together announcements from ministers and speculation from commentators on the issues that might be included in the forthcoming Queen’s Speech.
Research Briefing
This Standard Note gathers together announcements from ministers and speculation from commentators on the issues that might be included in the forthcoming Queen’s Speech.
Research Briefing
The average council tax for a band D household in 2013/14 is: £1,456 in England; £1,226 in Wales; and, £1,149 in Scotland. The average council tax for a band D household will rise by 0.8% in England and 3.2% in Wales. Council tax levels have been frozen in Scotland.
Research Briefing
The Local Government Financial Settlement is to be debated in the House on 13 February 2013. Start-up funding assessments for non-police local authorities will fall by 4.1% in 2013/14.
Research Briefing
Waste collection can be a contentious issue, particularly when local authorities decide to move away from weekly bin collection to alternate weekly collection (AWC). This note describes the reasons why authorities have chosen to do this, and related issues including the recently announced Weekly Collections Support Scheme.
Research Briefing
The Commercial Lobbyists (Registration and Code of Conduct) Bill 2012-13 is a Private Member’s Bill promoted by Thomas Docherty. It seeks to create a statutory register for commercial lobbyists and a legally enforceable code of conduct. It was presented on 25 June 2012, and is scheduled for second reading on 1 February 2013.
Research Briefing
The Ministerial Code states that when Parliament is in Session, the most important Ministerial announcements should be made in Parliament. However there have been occasions when, for whatever reason, announcements have not been delivered in Parliament first. Often in such cases the Speaker has made a statement to the House deprecating what has happened and sometimes calling on the minister concerned to account for his/her actions.
Research Briefing
On 19 December 2012 the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government made a statement announcing provisional figures for the 2013/14 and 2014/15 local government finance settlements. Total central government funding for all local authorities in England will fall by 3.9% in 2013/14 and 8.6% in 2014/15.
Research Briefing
This is a report on the House of Commons Committee Stage of the Growth and Infrastructure Bill. It complements Research Paper 12/61 prepared for Commons Second Reading
Research Briefing
Local elections take place on 2 May 2013 in 27 county councils and 8 unitary authorities in England and one council in Wales.
Research Briefing
This Note sets out the background to the information made available by the Commons for Members' allowances paid in the 2005-2010 Parliament. It then outlines IPSA's policy on release of allowances data and the position in the Welsh and Northern Irish Assemblies and the Scottish Parliament.
Research Briefing
This Note is designed to provide background on the work of the Ombudsman, and examines recent developments in the role.
Research Briefing
As a result of measures in the Welfare Reform Act 2012, certain elements of the discretionary Social Fund scheme will be replaced by new locally based provision delivered by local authorities in England and the devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales.
Research Briefing
This Note looks at the recent debate on the question of individual ministerial responsibility in the context of civil service reform and civil service capability.
Research Briefing
The Growth and Infrastructure Bill seeks to reduce delays in the planning system and to facilitate new development, through various means. It would allow planning obligations (section 106 agreements) relating to affordable housing to be renegotiated. To promote economic growth, it makes provision for a planned revaluation of business rates in England to be postponed and to create a new employment status of employee owner. Its second reading date has been moved from 30 October to 5 November 2012.
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