Research Briefing
The Public Services Ombudsman (Wales) Bill [HL] 2004-5
This note describes the background to this Bill which had its second reading on 16 December 2004.
Research Briefing
This note describes the background to this Bill which had its second reading on 16 December 2004.
Research Briefing
Freedom of Information implementation. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/84.
Research Briefing
The collective responsibility of ministers - an outline of the issues. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/82.
Research Briefing
Children Bill (HL) (Bill 144 of 2003/04). House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/68.
Research Briefing
This Paper looks at the policy background to the draft Orders for the conduct of three regional referendums due to be held on 4 November 2004. Including maps of proposed regions.
Research Briefing
Local Government Minister Nick Raynsford announced on 8 July 2004 that six local authorities will have their budgets for 2004/05 capped - Torbay, Herefordshire, Nottingham, Shepway, Fenland and Hereford & Worcester Fire Authority.
Research Briefing
The Public Audit (Wales) Bill (HL) (Bill 108 of 2003/04). House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/45.
Research Briefing
Regional assemblies: recent developments. By Oonagh Gay. SN/PC/2190.
Research Briefing
Age-Related Payments Bill. (Bill 92 2003/04). House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/34.
Research Briefing
Individual ministerial responsibility - issues and examples. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/31.
Research Briefing
European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots) Bill (Bill 160 2002/03). House of Commons Library Research Paper 03/76.
Research Briefing
A Joint Committee of both Houses into the Draft Corruption Bill (in 2003-04 session) produced an alternative approach which challenged the description of corruption at the heart of the Draft Bill, and invited 'the Home Office to bring forward a revised Bill'. In view of this recommendation it seems unlikely that new Corruption legislation will be presented in the Government's programme for 2003-04. This Note considers the main issues and criticisms of the Bill raised by the Committee.
Research Briefing
This paper has been superseded by Research Paper 12/43, UK Election Statistics: 1918-2012.
Research Briefing
Whither the civil service? . House of Commons Library Research Paper 03/49.
Research Briefing
Local elections 2003. House of Commons Library Research Paper 03/44.
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