Research Briefing
Devolution and Concordats
Devolution and concordats. House of Commons Library Research Paper 99/84.
Research Briefing
Devolution and concordats. House of Commons Library Research Paper 99/84.
Research Briefing
The Local Government Bill: Best Value and Council Tax Capping (Bill 5 of 1998/99). House of Commons Library Research Paper 99/1.
Research Briefing
Voting systems: the governments proposals. House of Commons Library Research Paper 98/113.
Research Briefing
The Greater London Authority Bill: Electoral and Constitutional Aspects (Bill 7 of 1998/99). House of Commons Library Research Paper 98/118.
Research Briefing
Voting systems: the Jenkins report. House of Commons Library Research Paper 98/112.
Research Briefing
Regional Development Agencies Bill (Bill 100 1997/98). House of Commons Library Research Paper 98/7.
Research Briefing
Tax varying powers for a Scottish Parliament. By Antony Seely. SN/BT/119.
Total results (page 134 of 134)