Research Briefing
Election Statistics: UK 1918-2007
This paper has been superseded by Research Paper 12/43, UK Election Statistics: 1918-2012.
Research Briefing
This paper has been superseded by Research Paper 12/43, UK Election Statistics: 1918-2012.
Research Briefing
This Note looks briefly at parliamentary pay, pensions and allowances for MPs.
Research Briefing
This Private Member's Bill is due to have a second reading on Friday 25 January 2008. It introduces a new disqualification procedure for members of both Houses relating to grounds related to residence and domicile for tax purposes.
Research Briefing
This note sets out the programme of citizens' juries which were announced by the Prime Minister. It collates information about the events held since July 2007, but also considers the use of citizens' juries and deliberative forums in the UK by local and national Government since 1997.
Research Briefing
This note focuses on the Committee's recommendations on procedural issues, notes the Government's response to them and records the House's decisions. It also gives a brief overview of how the new procedures will operate.
Research Briefing
This note outlines the background to the Modernisation Committee's proposals and its proposals for public bill committees. It notes the House's reaction to the proposals and notes some exchanges on the way in which the process should work.
Research Briefing
A common way of summarising figures is to present an average. Suppose, for example, we wanted to look at incomes in the UK the most obvious summary measurement to use would be average income. Another indicator which might be of use is one which showed the spread or variation in individual incomes. Two countries might have similar average incomes, but the distribution around their average might be very different and it could be useful to have a measure which quantifies this difference.
Total results (page 58 of 64)