Research Briefing
Child Labour
This note sets out the scale and nature of the problems associated with child labour and details the current action being taken to try to solve the issues.
Research Briefing
This note sets out the scale and nature of the problems associated with child labour and details the current action being taken to try to solve the issues.
Research Briefing
Children Bill (HL) (Bill 144 of 2003/04). House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/68.
Research Briefing
Criminal Justice and Court Services Bill: Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service, disqualification from working with children and truancy (Bill 91 of 1999/2000). House of Commons Library Research Paper 00/35.
Research Briefing
Carers and Disabled Children Bill (Bill 13 of 1999/2000). House of Commons Library Research Paper 00/10.
Research Briefing
Adoption (Intercountry Adoption) Bill (Bill 18 1998/99). House of Commons Library Research Paper 99/45.
Total results (page 13 of 13)