Research Briefing
Autism Bill: Committee Stage Report (Bill 98 2008-09)
This is a report of the House of Commons Committee Stage of the Autism Bill. It complements Research Paper 09/17 prepared for the Commons Second Reading debate.
Research Briefing
This is a report of the House of Commons Committee Stage of the Autism Bill. It complements Research Paper 09/17 prepared for the Commons Second Reading debate.
Research Briefing
This Research Paper has been written for the Second Reading of the Health Bill [HL] following its passage through the House of Lords, where it was introduced on 15 January 2009. The bill as introduced covered ten policy areas, including the sale of tobacco, which is the subject of Library Research Paper 09/49.
Research Briefing
Part 3 of the Health Bill (HL) 2008-09 contains tobacco control provisions designed to protect children and young people from the harm caused by smoking. This paper provides information on current legislation and policy in respect of the display and sale of tobacco products from retail premises and vending machines as well as outlining the changes proposed in the Bill.
Research Briefing
The objective of this note is to explain the concept of hospiral standardised motality ratios, and summarise the statistics relating to HSMRs at mid-Staffordshire that were available before the March-October 2008 Healthcare Commission investigation, and those that came to light afterwards.
Research Briefing
This Bill would require local authorities to collect and share information about people with autism, in order to assist in the provision of services. The Bill also contains measures to promote multi-agency working in the delivery of services, and the effective transition from child to adult services, for people with autism.
Research Briefing
This note summarises the latest statistics on measles incidence and rates of immunisation. It also discusses the effect of media coverage on public confidence in the MMR triple vaccine, and compares the UK's immunisation rates with the rest of the OECD.
Research Briefing
This Note describes the passage of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill 2008 through Parliament.
Research Briefing
Trends in expenditure on non-NHS (agency etc.) staff amongst NHS Trusts, PCTs, SHAs, and in the NHS as a whole.
Research Briefing
Health and Social Care Bill. (Bill 9 of 2007/08). House of Commons Library Research Paper 07/81.
Research Briefing
The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill Bill 16 2006-07. House of Commons Library Research Paper 07/01
Research Briefing
The Greater London Authority Bill (Bill 11 2006-07). House of Commons Library Research Paper 06/60
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