Debate Pack
Support for hospice services debate
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for Wednesday 14 June on support for hospice services. The debate will be opened by Paul Holmes MP.
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for Wednesday 14 June on support for hospice services. The debate will be opened by Paul Holmes MP.
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for 1.30pm on Thursday 8 June on preventing obesity and fatty liver disease. The subject for the debate has been chosen by the Backbench Business Committee, and the debate will be opened by Wayne David MP.
Research Briefing
A briefing on healthcare facilities and challenges in the UK's Overseas Territories and the quota system in place enabling access to healthcare in the UK.
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for Tuesday 23 May on the Healthy Start scheme and increases in the cost of living. The debate will be opened by Andrew Western MP.
Debate Pack
A debate has been scheduled for 18 May on access to psilocybin treatments. The subject for the debate has been chosen by the Backbench Business Committee, and the debate will be opened by Charlotte Nichols MP, Crispin Blunt MP and Ronnie Cowan MP.
Constituency casework
What is NHS Continuing Healthcare, who is eligible for it, how are patients assessed for it, and how can decisions be reviewed?
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for Wednesday 17 May on the Potential merits of a national eye health strategy. This debate will be opened by Marsha de Cordova MP.
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for 4.30pm on 15 May on e-petitions relating to food labelling and support for people with allergies. The subject for the debate has been chosen by the Petitions Committee, and the debate will be opened by Nick Fletcher MP.
Research Briefing
This note focuses on the debate about the impact of pension tax rules on some senior NHS staff
Research Briefing
This briefing outlines health policies aimed at reducing inpatient care for people with a learning disability.
Debate Pack
A debate has been scheduled for 4.30pm on Tuesday 28 March on medical technology regulations and the NHS. The debate will be opened by Dame Caroline Dinenage MP.
Debate Pack
A debate for World Down Syndrome Day has been scheduled in the Chamber for Thursday 23 March.
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for Tuesday 14 March on the future of cancer care. The debate will be opened by Nicola Richards MP.
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for Thursday 2 March on fiscal support to the hospice sector and increases in the cost of living. The debate will be opened by Patricia Gibson MP.
Debate Pack
There will be a debate on e-petition 594390, relating to prescription charges for people aged 60 or over in Westminster Hall. This debate will take place on 6 March 2023 and will be led by Tonia Antoniazzi MP.
Total results (page 7 of 38)