Research Briefing
Social Security (Additional Payments) (No. 2) Bill 2022-23
Background on the Social Security (Additional Payments) (No. 2) Bill 2022-23, introduced in the House of Commons on 7 February 2023.
Research Briefing
Background on the Social Security (Additional Payments) (No. 2) Bill 2022-23, introduced in the House of Commons on 7 February 2023.
Debate Pack
A debate is scheduled to be held on 7 February 2023 at 9:30am in Westminster Hall on Saving for Later Life. The debate will be opened by Sir Stephen Timms MP. The subject for this debate was determined by the Backbench Business Committee.
Research Briefing
This briefing paper deals with when polygamous marriages might be legally recognised in England and Wales; immigration issues; social security benefits and pension entitlement.
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for Monday 12 December on the state pension. The debate will be opened by Marsha De Cordova MP.
Research Briefing
DWP benefits that are linked to inflation rise by 10.1% in April 2023, as do the basic and new State Pension. Inflation-linked tax credit elements and benefits administered by HMRC are also expected to rise by 10.1%.
Research Briefing
This briefing paper provides information on the Social Security (Additional Payments) Bill 2022-23, introduced in the House of Commons on 15 June 2022.
Research Briefing
An introductory overview of the social security system in the United Kingdom.
Research Briefing
Looks at the 'time to choose' exercise carried out when the British Steel Pension Scheme was restructured in 2017/18, and the following reviews and redress scheme
Research Briefing
An overview of how social security benefit levels in the United Kingdom are set.
Research Briefing
This briefing looks at the changes made to the Universities Superannuation scheme and its valuations.
Debate Pack
An Opposition Day Debate on the impact of cost of living increase on pensioners is scheduled for Monday 21 March 2022.
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate on the ‘Take-up of pensions guidance and advice’ has been scheduled for Tuesday 1 March 2022 from 9.30-11.00am. The debate has been initiated by Nigel Mills MP.
Research Briefing
Looks at the framework within with Local Government Pension Scheme funds in England and Wales make investment decisions, how they can and should take into account environment, social and governance issues, including the risks and opportunities associated with climate change and investment in infrastructure
Research Briefing
The Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices [HL] Bill has been through its House of Lords stages and had its second reading in the House of Commons on 5 January 2022. The Bill was considered by a Public Bill Committee over two sittings on 27 January 2022.
Research Briefing
Looks at a Private Member's Bill which would amend the legislation under which schemes are allowed to convert Guaranteed Minimum Pensions (GMPs) into ordinary scheme benefits which are subject to fewer restrictions. This is important to enabling schemes to meet their duties to equalise GMPs for men and women
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