Research Briefing
Pension flexibilities: the ‘freedom and choice’ reforms
Looks at the rules which came into force in April 2015 giving people more flexibility about when and how to access their defined contribution pension savings
Research Briefing
Looks at the rules which came into force in April 2015 giving people more flexibility about when and how to access their defined contribution pension savings
How can we ensure people have adequate income through retirement from their pensions?
Research Briefing
The Winter Fuel Payment is a tax-free annual payment to help older people meet the cost of their winter fuel bills. The “standard” rates are £200 per eligible household where the oldest person is under 80, and £300 for households containing a person aged 80 or over.
Research Briefing
An introduction to capital finance and borrowing by local authorities in England, including details on the Public Works Loan Board, local authority bonds, and tax increment financing.
Research Briefing
Looks the Coalition Government's legislation for a new type of workplace pension ('defined ambition' or shared risk) and to enable schemes to provide collective benefits. Implementation was put on hold by the current government which is legislating in the Pension Schemes Bill 2019/20 for an alternative framework for collective defined contribution schemes
Research Briefing
The No-deal Brexit: A guide to Commons Library research is an annotated bibliography of sources published by the House of Commons Library on a potential no-deal Brexit. It will be updated regularly. Links to the papers included in the resource are available on this page, the downloadable version includes additional comment on some of the selected papers.
Research Briefing
This note looks at the interaction between contracted-out pensions and the state pension
Research Briefing
Looks at changes to the tax treatment of unused pension funds on death, introduced as part of the 'pension freedoms', with effect from 6 April 2015
Research Briefing
This note looks at the way in which forming a civil partnership affects rights to state, occupational and personal pensions and at the relevant provisions in the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013
Research Briefing
Looks at overpayments to members of public service pensions due to incorrect calculation of Guaranteed Minimum Pensions (GMPs) in 2008 and again in 2018
Debate Pack
On 5 June 2019 there will be a Westminster Hall debate regarding universal credit and debt. The debate will be led by Ruth George MP.
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate on the 'Financial and ethical risks of investments in fossil fuel companies by pension funds' has been scheduled for Wednesday 22 May 2019 from 2.30 pm. The debate has been initiated by Sir Edward Davey MP.
Research Briefing
Looks at "advice given to members of the UK Atomic Energy Agency (AEA) Pension Scheme" on privatisation. Originally prepared for a Westminster Hall debate on 26 October 2016, it has been updated since.
Research Briefing
Looks at why some survivors of public service pension scheme members lose their survivors pensions if they remarry or cohabit
Research Briefing
Discusses the impact of reductions in the SCAPE discount rate used in valuations of unfunded public service pension schemes
Total results (page 8 of 21)