Research Briefing
The Human Rights Clause in the EUs External Agreements
The human rights clause in the EU's external agreements. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/33.
Research Briefing
The human rights clause in the EU's external agreements. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/33.
Research Briefing
European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots) Bill (Bill 160 2002/03). House of Commons Library Research Paper 03/76.
Research Briefing
On 14 September 2003 Sweden held a referendum on adopting the euro. The ‘no’ campaign had led in opinion polls in the weeks and months before the vote. A few days before the referendum the Foreign Minister, Anna Lindh, was murdered. The result of the referendum was a clear vote against adopting the euro.
Research Briefing
A draft treaty establishing a European constitution: parts II and III. House of Commons Library Research Paper 03/58.
Research Briefing
The draft treaty establishing a European constitution: technical and constitutional issues in Parts I and IV. House of Commons Library Research paper 03/60.
Research Briefing
This paper has been superseded by Research Paper 12/43, UK Election Statistics: 1918-2012.
Research Briefing
The Convention on the Future of Europe: institutional reform. House of Commons Library Research Paper 03/56.
Research Briefing
Enlargement and the European Union (Accessions) Bill. (Bill 98 of 2002/03). House of Commons Library Research Paper 03/48.
Research Briefing
The Convention on the Future of Europe: proposals for a European Constitution. House of Commons Library Research Paper 03/23.
Research Briefing
The convention on the future of Europe: the deliberating phase. House of Commons Library Research Paper 03/16.
Research Briefing
European Parliament (Representation) Bill ( Bill 7 of 2002/03).House of Commons Library Research Paper 02/78.
Research Briefing
Gibraltars constitutional future. House of Commons Library Research Paper 02/37.
Research Briefing
The Laeken declaration and the convention on the future of Europe. House of Commons Library Research Paper 02/14.
Research Briefing
The European Communities (Finance) Bill. House of Commons Library Research Paper 01/62.
Research Briefing
The European Communities (Amendment) Bill: implementing the Treaty of Nice. House of Commons Library Research Paper 01/61.
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