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This information applies to England and Wales only. Information about Scotland and Northern Ireland is available via the following links:

Do grandparents have a right to see their grandchildren?

In England and Wales, grandparents do not have an automatic legal right to see their grandchildren.

However, they can try and get access through an informal arrangement or via a court order.

Does an agreement have to involve the court?

Grandparents can initially try to secure contact with their grandchildren through an informal agreement with the child’s parents or carers.

An independent family mediator can help families reach an agreement. The mediator will organise a ‘mediation information and assessment meeting’ (MIAM). A local mediator can be found on the family mediation council’s website.

Where arrangement cannot be reached informally, the grandparent can seek to apply for a child arrangements order to agree access.

A person can only apply to court once they have attended mediation, unless they are exempt (for example, because domestic violence is involved).

What is a child arrangements order?

A child arrangements order can determine where a child lives, when they spend time with a person named in the order, and when and what other types of contact, such as phone calls, take place with any person.

When the court determines whether to make (or vary or discharge) a child arrangements order, the child’s welfare is its paramount consideration (Children Act 1989, section 1(1)).

The court is additionally required to have particular regard to a range of factors, commonly referred to as the “welfare checklist”. As set out by section 1(3) of the Children Act 1989, this includes:

  • The ascertainable wishes and feelings of the child concerned (considered in the light of their age and understanding).
  • The child’s physical, emotional and educational needs.
  • The likely effect on the child of any change in their circumstances.
  • The child’s age, sex, background and any characteristics which the court considers relevant.
  • Any harm which they have suffered or are at risk of suffering.
  • How capable each of their parents are of meeting their needs.

How do grandparents apply for a child arrangements order?

Unlike a parent, a grandparent typically first requires the permission of the court before they can apply for a child arrangements order. They are not automatically entitled to apply for one unless an exception applies. This includes, for example, if the child has lived with them for a period of at least a year prior to the application (Children Act 1989, sections 10(5) and 10(5B)).

When a court considers an application for leave to apply for a child arrangements order, the welfare of the child is not its main consideration. Instead, as set out in section 10(9) of the Children Act 1989, the court “shall…have particular regard to” a range of factors, including:

  • The nature of the proposed application.
  • The applicant’s connection with the child.
  • Any risk of the proposed application disrupting the child’s life to the extent that they would be harmed by it.

If leave is granted, then a child arrangements order can be applied for.

More detailed information on the requirement to seek the leave of the court before applying for a child arrangements order can be found in section 1.2 of the Library briefing on grandparents and court orders for contact with grandchildren (Great Britain).

What support is available for grandparents?

On the GOV.UK webpage, contact with your grandchild if their parents divorce or separate, it explains support and advice can be found from:

Other sources of information and advice can be found in section 4 of the Library briefing on grandparents and court orders for contact with grandchildren (Great Britain).

The Library briefing on legal help: where to go and how to pay may also be helpful.


The Commons Library does not intend the information in this article to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual. We have published it to support the work of MPs. You should not rely upon it as legal or professional advice, or as a substitute for it. We do not accept any liability whatsoever for any errors, omissions or misstatements contained herein. You should consult a suitably qualified professional if you require specific advice or information. Read our briefing for information about sources of legal advice and help.

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