Debate Pack
General Debate: Tutoring provision
There will be a Westminster hall debate on tutoring provision at 9:30am on Tuesday 19 March 2024. This debate will be led by Munira Wilson MP.
Debate Pack
There will be a Westminster hall debate on tutoring provision at 9:30am on Tuesday 19 March 2024. This debate will be led by Munira Wilson MP.
Debate Pack
On Thursday 14 March 2024, there will be an Estimates day debate on Spending of the Department for Education on SEND provision. This debate will take place in the House of Commons and will be led by Robin Walker MP.
Debate Pack
There will be a general debate on the educational attainment of boys on Tuesday 5 March at 9:30am.
Debate Pack
A debate on access to education in south east Northumberland will take place in the House of Commons Chamber on Wednesday 21 February 2024 at 14:30. This debate will be led by Ian Lavery MP
Debate Pack
There will be a Westminster hall debate on Mindfulness in schools. This debate will take place on Wednesday 7 February at 14:30, and will be led by Charlotte Nichols MP.
Research Briefing
School strikes have taken place across the UK in 2022 and 2023. This briefing sets out current union and Government positions.
Research Briefing
This briefing paper considers suicide prevention policies and strategies throughout the UK. It outlines national and local approaches to prevention policy in some key policy areas.
Research Briefing
This briefing provides information on the recruitment and retention of teachers in England, including the Government's Teacher Recruitment and Retention Strategy.
Research Briefing
This briefing provides information on the provision of physical education and sport in schools, including National Curriculum requirements, funding, the School Games, and regulations relating to school playing fields.
Research Briefing
Covers applying for school places in England, and appeals. Updated with September 2023 school admissions data
Research Briefing
Looks at GCSE and higher education outcomes for Black pupils and students in England. Updated with provisional GCSE data for 2022 to 2023.
Research Briefing
Provides an overview of policy on the pupil premium since its introduction in 2011, including funding levels, eligibility criteria, and accountability
Research Briefing
This note provides an outline of current arrangements relating to financial and enterprise education in schools, and recent reports on the quality of that education, in England
Debate Pack
The House of Commons will consider a petition on teaching assistant pay
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for Tuesday 6 June on Improving children's access to books. The debate will be opened by Alexander Stafford MP.
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