Constituency data: Universal Credit claimants
Explore constituency-level data on people claiming Universal Credit in Great Britain using our interactive dashboard.
Statistics on working-age claimants of Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and its predecessor incapacity-related benefits in each constituency in Great Britain. In November 2011 there were 2.57 million claimants of these benefits in Great Britain.
ESA and incapacity benefits - constituency statistics for Great Britain (310 KB , PDF)
Statistics on working-age claimants of Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and its predecessor incapacity-related benefits in each constituency in Great Britain. In November 2011 there were 2.57 million claimants of these benefits in Great Britain (6.5% of the population aged 16-64).
ESA and incapacity benefits - constituency statistics for Great Britain (310 KB , PDF)
Explore constituency-level data on people claiming Universal Credit in Great Britain using our interactive dashboard.
An overview of the final managed migration stage of the Universal Credit rollout.
Explore constituency-level data on people claiming unemployment benefits using the interactive dashboard