War widows’ pensions
Looks at changes in the rules about remarriage and cohabitation for war widows and widowers' pensions
Impartial research from the Commons Library on issues related to education, families and social services, health, housing, welfare and pensions.
Looks at changes in the rules about remarriage and cohabitation for war widows and widowers' pensions
This briefing sets out how the Child Maintenance Service calculates the amount of maintenance payable under the 2012 statutory scheme.
Interactive dashboard showing data on dentists in England, including access to dentistry, the number of dentists and a list of NHS dental practices
Browse and compare local-level data between constituencies and other small areas on topics such as housing, health, and energy.
FAQs and explainers produced by Commons Library researchers to help caseworkers with a range of constituent queries.
Politically impartial publications produced by Commons Library researchers, covering legislation, policy areas, and topical issues.