Rough sleeping in England: Causes and statistics
An overview of what is known about the causes of rough sleeping in England and a summary of insights from official rough sleeping statistics.
An overview of what is known about the causes of rough sleeping in England and a summary of insights from official rough sleeping statistics.
A general debate on the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 2 Report is scheduled for 2 December 2024 in the Commons Chamber.
A Westminster Hall debate on tackling rough sleeping is scheduled for Wednesday 23 October 2024 at 9.30am. The debate will be led by Deirdre Costigan MP.
Constituency casework
People in England considering fleeing their home because of domestic abuse can apply to their local authority for housing support.
Research Briefing
An overview of the legal framework for statutory homelessness support in England and how local authorities are delivering these duties. The briefing also summarises official homelessness statistics.
Research Briefing
Outlines the main drivers of homelessness and summarises the UK Government’s approach to tackling homelessness in England, including stakeholder views and comment.
The proportion of affordable housing in England has fallen. Increasing supply is challenging due to funding issues, increasing costs, and the planning system.
Debate Pack
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on youth homelessness on Wednesday 1 May 2024. This debate will start at 2:30pm and will be led by Paula Barker MP.