This dashboard provides local data on special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) incidence, funding, performance and provision in England.

Data on SEND at parliamentary constituency level is limited, so some of the information here is at local authority level. Page one (SEND incidence) relates to constituencies, and pages two (SEND funding) and three (education, health and care (EHC) plans) relate to local authorities.

Use the drop-down menu below to select the constituency you’re interested in and view statistics.

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Local authority-level time series are for current local authority boundaries. Blank values or blank columns or bars in charts indicate no data available. This can be owing to boundary changes, or because data is missing for that local authority in the source dataset.

The Isles of Scilly and the City of London are not included in the local authority level data owing to their small numbers of state-funded school pupils and the fact high needs block allocations are not published for these local authorities.

SEND incidence in the constituency

Statistics relate to identified SEND (supported via SEN support or EHC plans) in mainstream state-funded schools in the constituency.

SEND (special) schools in the constituency

Includes state-funded special schools, non-maintained special schools, and independent special schools. Excludes state-funded alternative provision, independent unregistered provision

EHC plan statistics

Local authorities’ EHC plan case load statistics and change over time on this measure are as at January each year.

Statistics on rates of issue of EHC decisions within the statutory 20-week deadline and on the proportion of initial requests for EHC needs assessments rejected are for calendar years. Statistics on the 20-week indicator exclude exceptional cases – where a limited range of circumstances mean the 20 week deadline did not apply.

In 2023, there were changes to the way EHC plan statistics were collected and reported. This means we should be cautious about comparing EHC plan data over time.


Funding figures are for total high needs block allocations, before deductions, and are provisional.

GDP deflators (used to adjust for inflation) have been smoothed across 2020-21 and 2021-22 to account for unusual pandemic-related movements in the deflator.


SEND incidence and special schools in the constituency

Department for Education, Special educational needs in England: 2023 to 2024 academic year, published 20 June 2024, school-level underlying data,  and Commons Library mapping of schools to new parliamentary constituencies.

Department for Education, Get information about schools, download data, extracted 6 January 2025


Department for Education, Dedicated Schools Grant, various years; HM Treasury, GDP deflators at market prices, and money, December 2024; OBR, Economic and fiscal outlook, October 2024 (table 1.7 of supplementary economy tables)

EHC plans and assessments

Department for Education, EHC Plans: reporting year 2024, June 2024, custom table 1, custom table 2 and custom table 3

Data updates

We aim to update this dashboard in line with data releases from the Department for Education, but the data shown here may not be the latest available. MPs and their staff can contact the Commons Library with queries about updates.

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