Local authority data: housing supply
This interactive dashboard has data on housing stock and housing supply for local authorities in England
This interactive dashboard has data on housing stock and housing supply for local authorities in England
Explore constituency-level data on people claiming Universal Credit in Great Britain using our interactive dashboard.
Use the interactive dashboard to find constituency-level data on apprenticeships
Data dashboards
This interactive dashboard shows data on economic growth, inflation, trade, employment, government borrowing and debt across the UK.
Data dashboards
Find out how many people have a disability in your constituency, according to census data.
Data dashboards
Interactive dashboard providing constituency-level data on wages, expressed as the median gross weekly pay for full-time employees
Data dashboards
Browse local data on road traffic collisions, accidents, and casualties by constituency in Great Britain, including an interactive map.
Data dashboards
Interactive dashboard showing data on GPs in England, including patient to GP ratios, the number of GPs, and a map of GP practices
Data dashboards
Find out the types of central heating used by households in your constituency, based on census data
Data dashboards
Find census data on households and their composition by constituency
Data dashboards
Find census data on the highest qualifications of adults by constituency
Data dashboards
Find constituency-level data on house prices over time
Data dashboards
Find out how many people identify with different sexual orientations and gender identities in your constituency.
Data dashboards
Use our interactive dashboard to explore data on electric and low-emissions vehicles, and charging points by local authority for the UK.
Data dashboards
Interactive dashboard showing data on dentists in England, including access to dentistry, the number of dentists and a list of NHS dental practices
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