Constituency data: Household composition, 2021 census
Find 2021 census data on households and their composition by constituency
Find out how many households are homeowners, private renters, and social renters in your constituency, based on census data
The most recent census asked respondents about their housing tenure: whether they owned their home outright, were buying with a mortgage, or rented from a private or social landlord. Social landlords can be local authorities or housing associations.
Some households also live in shared ownership homes (where the householders own a share of the property and pay rent on the rest). Others live rent-free in accommodation they don’t own.
The dashboard on this page shows the percentage of households in each of these tenure groups by constituency. The most recent census was carried out in March 2021 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and in March 2022 in Scotland.
We’ve also calculated UK averages using 2021 data for England, Wales and Northern Ireland and 2022 data for Scotland. These figures are for comparative purposes, and don’t tell us about the population on a particular date.
On average across the UK, 61.7% of households were home owners, 19.5% were private renters, and 17.5% were social renters.
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A ‘household’ is defined as either one person living alone, or a group of people living at the same address and sharing both cooking facilities and a living room or dining area.
The category ‘all social landlords’ includes all households renting from a local authority or a housing association, or the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.
The category ‘owns with a mortgage or loan’ includes households who bought their home through Shared Equity schemes in Scotland.
Private renters either rent from a landlord or another party (other than a social housing provider). ‘Other private rented’ refers to arrangements such as renting from an employer.
The ONS reports that there is evidence that some respondents incorrectly identified their landlord as a local authority when they were renting from a housing association, and vice versa. The two categories have therefore been added together for this dashboard.
‘Living rent free’ refers to households living in property owned by another party without paying rent.
‘Living rent free’ refers to households living in property owned by another party without paying rent.
In shared ownership housing, the household part-owns the property and pays rent on the rest. More background on shared ownership is available in the Commons Library briefing Shared ownership (England): the fourth tenure?.
England and Wales: Office for National Statistics, 2021 census table TS054
Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, 2021 census table MS-E15
Scotland: Scotland’s census, Search census data, Table UV404
Find 2021 census data on households and their composition by constituency
Constituency-level data on house prices and an indicator of the affordability of house prices in each area
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