Constituency data: Universal Credit claimants
Explore constituency-level data on people claiming Universal Credit in Great Britain using our interactive dashboard.
Find out how many people identify with different faiths in your constituency, based on the latest census data
The most recent census asked people about their religion. This was a voluntary question, answered by around 94% of respondents.
A person’s religion is self-defined regardless of whether they practise their religion or not.
The census question on religion included eight tick-boxes for different religions. Respondents could also choose to write in a different religion if theirs wasn’t included among the options.
The census was carried out in March 2021 in England and Wales, and in March 2022 in Scotland. We have created a Great Britain average for religious groups using 2021 data for England and Wales and 2022 data for Scotland. These figures are for comparison, and don’t tell us about the population on a particular date.
The census in Northern Ireland asked about religion in a different way, which means that data is not comparable and not included in this dashboard. Data is available from the Flexible Table Builder published for the Northern Ireland census.
Across Great Britain, 46% of people identified as being Christian, 38% said they had no religion, 6% identified as Muslim, and 2% identified as Hindu. Around 2% identified as being Buddhist, Sikh, Jewish or of another religion.
The dashboard below shows the results for constituencies in Great Britain.
Use the dropdown menu below to select the constituency you’re interested in and view statistics on the population by religion.
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In the dashboard below, you can see which constituencies have the largest populations identifying with each religion.
In general, the highest proportion of those identifying as Christian were in constituencies in the North West of England (19 constituencies) particularly around Merseyside. Of those who recorded no religion, 15 of the top 20 constituencies were in Scotland.
Of those who identified as being Muslim, 11 constituencies to feature in the top 20 were either in London or Birmingham. For those identifying as Hindu, 15 of the constituencies to feature in the top 20 were in either London. The largest proportion of Hindus were to be found in Leicester East.
Of those who did not answer the religion question in the census, 13 of the top 20 constituencies with the highest proportions not to do so were in London.
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2021 census data:
2011 census data:
This dashboard uses census data. The 2021 and 2022 censuses are currently the only source of constituency-level data on this topic, which means that there aren’t any updates planned for the near future.
Explore constituency-level data on people claiming Universal Credit in Great Britain using our interactive dashboard.
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