Constituency data: Country of birth
Find 2021 census data on which country people were born in by constituency
Find data for UK constituencies on the population broken down by age
This dashboard has the latest statistics on the total population for constituencies in the UK, with a breakdown by age.
You can view figures for specific age groups or find data for a custom age range.
Data is collected differently in the different countries of the UK. The most recent figures for England and Wales are estimates for the end of June 2022. For Northern Ireland, the most recent figures are estimates for the end of June 2021.
The most recent figures for Scotland are from its census, and tell us about the population on Census Day (20 March 2022 in Scotland).
Use the dropdown menu below to select the constituency you’re interested in and view key statistics.
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Office for National Statistics, Parliamentary constituency population estimates (official statistics in development)
Office for National Statistics, Population estimates for England and Wales, mid-2022
This data shows the estimated population at mid-year (30 June) 2022. These figures are estimates, based on 2021 census results combined with assumptions about births, deaths and migration.
Data is published for single years of age up to age 90. The category “90” in this data represents everyone aged 90 and over.
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, 2021 Mid-year population estimates for small geographical areas within Northern Ireland, Health and social care trusts and parliamentary constituencies (2024) – population by sex and single year of age (2021)
This data shows the estimated population at mid-year (30 June) 2021. These figures are estimates, based on 2021 census results combined with assumptions about births, deaths and migration.
Data is published for single years of age up to age 90. The category “90” in this data represents everyone aged 90 and over.
Scotland’s census, Search census data, Table UV103 (Age by single year)
This data shows the population on Census Day, 20 March 2022. Scotland’s census took place a year later than the censuses in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Data is published for single years of age up to age 100. The category “100” in this data represents everyone aged 100 and over.
Totals in the published data are adjusted to protect privacy. This means that the totals in this dashboard may be slightly different from those shown in other census datasets.
This dashboard will be updated as soon as possible when more up-to-date population figures become available.
The next update for England and Wales will show population estimates for mid-2023. The next update for Northern Ireland will show estimates for mid-2022. The next update for Scotland will show estimates for mid-2022.
MPs and their staff can contact the Commons Library with queries about updates.
Find 2021 census data on which country people were born in by constituency
Find out how many people identify with different ethnic groups in your constituency, based on census data.
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