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Browse by topic

  • Business and industry

    Local data on topics including business statistics and the Coronavirus business support schemes.

  • Education

    Local data on topics including schools funding and educational attainment.

  • Energy

    Local data on household energy use and affordability.

  • Health

    Local data on topics including NHS funding, GP practices and health conditions.

  • Housing

    Local data on topics including home ownership, renting and housing supply.

  • People and places

    Local data on population demographics and geographical characteristics.

  • Public services

    Local data on local authority finances and the provision of other public services.

  • Work and incomes

    Local data on topics including unemployment benefits, average earnings and the Universal Credit rollout.

Additional resources

  • MSOA names

    Middle-Layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs) are a statistical geography for small local areas in England and Wales. Explore and download our dataset of MSOA names.

Related pages

  • Economic data

    View data relating to the UK economy, including the labour market, trade, business, and public finances.

    Economic data
  • Data

    An overview of the data produced by the Commons Library. Find local-level data, Parliament and elections data, and economic data.
