Headline statistics for your constituency
Use our interactive dashboard to explore data for parliamentary constituencies, covering topics such as demographics, unemployment, and child poverty.

Browse and compare local-level data between constituencies and other small areas on topics such as housing, health, and energy.
Use our interactive dashboard to explore data for parliamentary constituencies, covering topics such as demographics, unemployment, and child poverty.
Explore 2021 census data and 2019 General Election results for constituencies using our data tool
Browse details on both funding and spending of local authorities in England.
Local results and analysis from the 2021 census on topics including demographics, housing and education.
Local data on topics including business statistics and the Coronavirus business support schemes.
Local data on topics including schools funding and educational attainment.
Local data on household energy use and affordability.
Local data on topics including NHS funding, GP practices and health conditions.
Local data on topics including home ownership, renting and housing supply.
Local data on population demographics and geographical characteristics.
Local data on local authority finances and the provision of other public services.
Local data on topics including broadband coverage and road traffic accidents.
Local data on topics including unemployment benefits, average earnings and the Universal Credit rollout.
Middle-Layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs) are a statistical geography for small local areas in England and Wales. Explore and download our dataset of MSOA names.
Explore data and analysis about Parliament, MPs, general election and by-elections results, and the Government.
View data relating to the UK economy, including the labour market, trade, business, and public finances.
An overview of the data produced by the Commons Library. Find local-level data, Parliament and elections data, and economic data.