UK-Ukraine 100-year partnership agreement
In January 2025, the UK and Ukraine signed a 100-year partnership agreement. The agreement aims to build military, economic and cultural ties.

This Library briefing identifies issues and bills that may appear in the Queen's Speech on 10 May 2022 or require legislation in the forthcoming parliamentary session.
Queen's Speech 2022 (411 KB , PDF)
The State Opening of Parliament is scheduled to take place on 10 May 2022.
The State Opening marks the beginning of the parliamentary session. Its main purpose is for the monarch to formally open Parliament and, in the Queen’s Speech, outline the Government’s proposed policies and legislation for the coming parliamentary session.
This briefing identifies issues and bills that may appear in the Queen’s Speech.
Section 2 reviews legislation that has already been introduced the House of Commons and carried over, or was published in draft, in the current session. Section 3 covers plans for legislation, announced in the May 2021 Queen’s Speech, that have not progressed and might still form part of the Government’s plans.
Section 4 looks at statements or press speculation indicating particular issues are likely to be the subject of future legislation.
General information on the State Opening ceremony is provided in Section 5.
Section 6 is a summary of the progress of bills announced in the Queen’s Speech at the beginning of the 2021-22 Session. Details of all Government bills introduced in this Session can be found on the Find a Bill webpages.
For a bill to be ‘carried over’ into the next session, a motion must be agreed by the Commons. After the second reading of the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill 2021-22 a carry-over motion was agreed.
Motions to allow the following bills to be carried over have been tabled in the Commons:
Two draft bills were published in 2021-22, one has been formally introduced:
Some bills that were announced in the May 2021 Queen’s Speech were not taken forward but may appear in the coming session. These are:
Some topics that were mentioned in the briefing that accompanied the 2021 Queen’s Speech but have not been taken forward included:
The following areas may become subjects of legislation in the 2022-23 Session:
Nikki da Costa, a former Director of Legislative Affairs, now a specialist partner at Flint, has published a blog post outlining her expectation of bills likely to be included in the Queen’s Speech.
The BBC has also published information on what news laws could be announced in the Queen’s Speech.
The Library briefing, State opening of Parliament – history and ceremonial, reviews how the ceremonial and practical arrangements of the State opening of Parliament have changed over time.
Queen's Speech 2022 (411 KB , PDF)
In January 2025, the UK and Ukraine signed a 100-year partnership agreement. The agreement aims to build military, economic and cultural ties.
The government says it revoked or reformed 40 pieces of assimilated law (derived from EU law) between June and December 2024.
A briefing paper which "maps" (or summarises) the main elements of the United Kingdom's uncodified constitution.