Research Briefing
The Renewable Energy Strategy
The UK has a provisional EU target for 15% of energy to come from renewable sources by 2020. This note details the Government's proposals to meet this target.
Research Briefing
The UK has a provisional EU target for 15% of energy to come from renewable sources by 2020. This note details the Government's proposals to meet this target.
Research Briefing
Climate Change Bill. (Bill 129 of 2007/08) House of Commons Library Research Paper 08/79.
Research Briefing
Social Indicators article which looks at price rises across different sectors in recent years, the impact on demand and the implications of this. This subject will be looked at in greater detail in the Library talk on 3 November:
Research Briefing
Planning and Energy Bill. (Bill 17 of 2007-08). House of Commons Library Research Paper 08/06.
Research Briefing
Energy Bill. (Bill 53 of 2007-08). House of Commons Library Research Paper 08/05.
Research Briefing
Working Time Directive: Offshore Sector. By Vincent Keter. SN/BT/1001.
Research Briefing
Recovery of social security benefits from compensation awards. By Steven Kennedy. SN/SP/168.
Total results (page 23 of 24)