Bus policy in England
Outside London and Manchester, England's bus market is largely deregulated. The Labour government has pledged to give local authorities more influence over how their buses are run.
Off-Road Vehicles (Registration) Bill [Bill 21 of 2006-07] (78 KB , PDF)
Off-Road Vehicles (Registration) Bill [Bill 21 of 2006-07] (78 KB , PDF)
Outside London and Manchester, England's bus market is largely deregulated. The Labour government has pledged to give local authorities more influence over how their buses are run.
A Westminster Hall debate on future transport infrastructure projects and the Elizabeth Line is scheduled for Tuesday, 12 November 2024, from 9:30-11:00am. The debate will be led by Matt Rodda MP.
Petrol and diesel prices hit record highs in July 2022. Since then they have fallen, but concern remains around so-called 'rocket and feather pricing'.