Bank Resolution (Recapitalisation) Bill [HL] 2024-25
The Bank of England has tools to manage the failure of banks. This bill would introduce a new tool to manage the failure of smaller banks.
The Bank of England has tools to manage the failure of banks. This bill would introduce a new tool to manage the failure of smaller banks.
An overview of the UK's financial services sector and key statistics including economic output, jobs, trade and tax.
The Pubs Code gives tied pub tenants, who are required to buy products from their landlord, the right to leave this product tie and choose what products they stock themselves.
Constituency casework,Research Briefing
Answers to frequently asked questions relating to banking services, mortgages, general investments and credit scores.
Debate Pack
There will be a debate in Westminster Hall on Tuesday 22nd October on support for pubs and the hospitality sector.
Debate Pack
There will be a debate in the Chamber on Thursday 17th October on the International Investment Summit.
Research Briefing
This briefing covers the background to Child Trust Funds, savings accounts for children the government contributed to, and problems young adults face accessing them.
Research Briefing
An overview of policy relating to the closure of bank and building society branches and to efforts to protect access to cash.
Car insurance quotes have risen by 82% since May 2021, after low insurance prices during the covid-19 pandemic when there was less driving and fewer collisions.
Research Briefing
This briefing answers some of the most common enquiries the Library receives about insurance services.
Branch closures and cases of ‘de-banking’ have put the spotlight on access to banking. MPs often receive casework from the people and organisations it affects.
Constituency casework
This article explains how customers can complain about financial services, and use the impartial, free ombudsman service, without going to the courts.
Research Briefing
A briefing on the House of Lords stages and amendments of the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill 2023-24.
Debate Pack
A general debate on access to redress schemes has been scheduled for Thursday 18 April in the Commons Chamber. The debate will be led by Mr William Wragg MP.
Research Briefing
The Building Societies Act 1986 (Amendment) Bill was introduced on 6 December by Julie Elliott MP. It would help societies access more funding from sources other than customer savings.
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