Research Briefing
Wales Bill 2016-17: Committee Stage Report
This paper covers the committee stage of the Wales Bill 2016-17 in the House of Commons.
Research Briefing
This paper covers the committee stage of the Wales Bill 2016-17 in the House of Commons.
Research Briefing
This House of Commons Library Briefing Paper provides information on the Supreme Court's role in devolution. The paper explains how cases on devolution reach the Supreme Court and summarises some of the most important cases since 2009.
Research Briefing
The Northern Ireland (Welfare Reform) Bill is part of a process to stabilise the political institutions in Northern Ireland. It stems from a package agreed between the UK and Irish Governments and the largest Northern Ireland parties: the Fresh Start agreement. This paper gives a guide to the Bill, and to the agreement.
Research Briefing
This briefing paper sets out the main provisions of the Stormont House Agreement and looks at progress with implementation. The way forward for welfare changes in Northern Ireland, which was a main driver for the talks leading to the Agreement, continues to be unresolved.
Research Briefing
This note traces proposals for further Welsh devolution, including a change to a reserved powers model
Research Briefing
This Note examines the arguments for and against legislation to require voters to cast their votes and whether it is a citizen's duty, as well as a right, to vote.
Research Briefing
This Note gives a selected timeline of events and significant publications leading up to the Referendum in Scotland on 18 September 2014 and to some of the potential follow-up events.
Research Briefing
During the Scottish independence referendum campaign the three main UK parties committed to further devolution of powers to the Scottish Parliament. This note traces the commitment to a “timetable”, and summarises substantive new powers proposed by each party.
Research Briefing
A selected timeline of events and significant publications leading up to the referendum in Scotland on 18 September 2014 and to some of the planned follow-up events.
Research Briefing
This note provides an update on political developments in Wales between January 2013 and July 2014.
Research Briefing
A selection of resources on the referendum taking place on 18 September 2014 and the potential impact of independence. Standard Note as at 31 July 2013.
Research Briefing
In January 2010, the Speaker’s Conference on Parliamentary Representation recommended that section 141 of the Mental Health Act 1983 should be repealed. The provision was repealed by the Mental Health Discrimination Act 2013.
Research Briefing
This note provides an update on political developments in Wales between January and December 2012. It updates the previous Library Standard Note (SN/PC/06177), Political Developments in Wales to December 2011.
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