Research Briefing
UK sports funding for individuals, organisations and teams
Grassroots sport in the UK is supported by the four national sports funding bodies as well as by central government programmes and charities.
Research Briefing
Grassroots sport in the UK is supported by the four national sports funding bodies as well as by central government programmes and charities.
Research Briefing
This paper provides statistics on household food insecurity, food bank usage and free school meals in the UK, and tracks the impact of rising living costs.
Research Briefing
Ofcom enforces measures in the Online Safety Act to protect web users from suicide or self-harm content. It also regulates broadcast media, but not the press.
Debate Pack
There will be a debate on preventable baby deaths at 9:30am on Wednesday 4 September 2024. This debate will take place in Westminster Hall and will be led by Lee Anderson MP.
Research Briefing
An overview of the employment rights and support available to informal carers, and public policy reviews on this topic in recent years.
Research Briefing
Information on local authority support for unpaid carers in England, including young carers and parent carers of disabled children.
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for 1.30pm on 5 September on waste crime in Staffordshire. The debate will be opened by Adam Jogee MP.
Research Briefing
Blue Badges provide parking concessions for disabled people across the UK. Badge eligibility differs slightly between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Research Briefing
This paper looks at relative levels of deprivation across constituencies in England, including which constituencies have become more deprived or less deprived relative to other areas.
Research Briefing
This short paper summarises trends in unemployment rates and looks at how rates vary by ethnicity, age and sex.
Research Briefing
When players open a loot box in a video game they get a random item. Some liken loot boxes to gambling, although they aren't covered by gambling regulation.
Research Briefing
Temporary migrants in the UK usually pay a surcharge based on the length of their visa, which raises money for healthcare spending.
Data dashboards
Find data for Scottish local authorities on people claiming Adult Disability Payment, including Library estimates of how far caseload rollout has progressed.
Research Briefing
Deporting foreign national offenders from the UK is a longstanding government priority but the number of people deported has fallen.
Research Briefing
This briefing provides statistics on people identifying with Gypsy, Roma or Traveller ethnic groups
Total results (page 9 of 145)